Here’s How You Should Spend Valentine’s Day, According To Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


Here’s How You Should Spend Valentine’s Day, According To Your Zodiac Sign

It's OK if going out to a fancy restaurant isn't for you.

by Carolyn Steber

Here’s How You Should Spend Valentine’s Day, According To Your Zodiac Sign (1)

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Everyone has a different approach to Valentine’s Day, especially when you take astrology into account. Some zodiac signs like to lean into the romance of it all with flowers and fancy dinners, while others prefer to switch things up and go a non-traditional route.

That said, even if you know your preferred vibe, it isn’t always easy to figure out what to do or where to go on Valentine’s Day, says Astrid Bly, a premier astrology expert with California Psychics. There are so many options, as well as a lot of pressure to create the perfect day, and it can truly stop you in your tracks.

It’s tough enough when you’re trying to figure out what to do with a partner on Valentine’s Day, but it gets even trickier if you’re flying solo or meeting up with friends for a night of platonic love. Should you go to dinner? Stay in and watch rom-coms? The world is your oyster, and yet that somehow makes it even more difficult to decide.

According to Bly, that’s when you can turn to your birth chart for clues. “Since Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, it’s important to not only consider one’s sun sign but also factor in Venus’s placement as well, since this will speak to each sign’s heart.”

Below, the best way to spend Valentine’s Day 2024, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

As a fire sign, Aries would have the most fun doing something active this Valentine’s Day, which is why Bly suggests planning a bowling night.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, which means they love some friendly competition. Bowling is also lighthearted and kind of silly, so it’ll bring out their fun-loving side.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus is looking to kick back and relax this Valentine’s Day, so keep things low-key and chill. This earth sign would love a massage at a spa — or a couple’s massage if they’re feeling extra romantic.

Alternatively, if they’re going solo this year, they can treat this as the ultimate self-care day, says Bly. “A massage is the perfect way for Taurus to unwind and get into their comfort zone.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini is always eager to wear a cute outfit and get out of the house, which is why Bly suggests going to a fancy restaurant for a nice dinner.

As an air sign, Gemini loves people-watching, too, so ask for a seat in the middle of it all. Follow it up with a co*cktail at a swanky bar, and it’ll make for the perfect evening.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

When you’re a Cancer, nothing screams “love” quite like a romantic note, so fill the day with hand-written letters, cards, and adoring texts.

“Known as one of the most emotional signs, they will appreciate a Valentine’s Day gesture that touches the heart,” says Bly. Words of affirmation are their love language, after all.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Out of all the signs of the zodiac, Leo most appreciates traditional Valentine’s Day fare like roses, boxes of chocolates, and shiny gifts. So, to make the most of the day, they’ll definitely need a bouquet.

For the solo Leos, it would be fun to take a flower arranging class, says Bly. For Leos in a relationship, take a trip to the florist on your way home from dinner.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

A Virgo would appreciate a practical approach to Valentine’s Day. Instead of dropping cash on an expensive dinner or vase of flowers that’ll wilt all over their clean table, Bly says they’d prefer an experience, like a pottery class.

“Not only will it be a fun activity to do together, but they’ll appreciate the fact that they can reuse whatever item they make in their everyday lives,” she says. As an earth sign, they’ll also enjoy the art of molding clay.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Libra is 100% down for a mini adventure this Valentine’s Day. If the weather is nice, Bly suggests a morning bike ride, an evening boat tour of your city, or a romantic mini hike.

If it’s snowy and cold, bundle up for a wintry walk in the park or get coffee and bop around town. “Libras live for excitement, especially in relationships,” says Bly. “Sparks will fly after a day spent outdoors.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Whether single or coupled up, a Scorpio will fully appreciate a candlelit dinner. According to Bly, this water sign enjoys activities that match their enigmatic spirit, so anything sultry and jazzy will feel just right.

Solo Scorpios can set a pretty table and have friends over for snacks and drinks, while Bly suggests couples go to a dimly lit bar that has interesting co*cktails and a live performance.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

The last thing a Sagittarius wants to do on Valentine’s Day is stay in. This fire sign likes to have fun no matter the holiday, so they’ll find a way to go out whether they’re single or taken.

“A few fun date ideas include a farmer’s market, cooking class, wine tasting, or drive-in movie,” says Bly, though they would also be down for a concert, comedy show, or a karaoke night with friends. As Bly says, “Sagittarians will enjoy anything that brings excitement.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn is more than happy to stay in and cook a homemade meal. “They are generally the least intense about Valentine’s Day compared to the other signs,” says Bly. Instead of getting mixed up in the crowds, they’d prefer to relax at home with a bowl of pasta. To make it feel like the day of love, pop on a rom-com.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

As a sign ruled by the visionary planet Uranus, Aquarius will never say no to an artsy date at a museum. They would love to walk around, look at paintings, and have deep discussions, and then grab a glass of wine afterward.

“Alternatively, you could take a trip back in time by checking out a history museum together,” says Bly.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

A Pisces doesn’t have to go anywhere to have fun on Valentine’s Day. In fact, this water sign is happiest when they’re at home on the couch.

They’re all about getting snuggled in for a movie night, but if you do want to go out, Bly suggests hitting up an old-timey movie theater for the romantic vibe.

This is perfect for the single Pisces of the world, too. Nothing beats going to a movie sans distractions and having the popcorn all to yourself.


Astrid Bly, astrology expert with California Psychics

Here’s How You Should Spend Valentine’s Day, According To Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


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Valentine's Day celebration ideas based on zodiac signs: Aries - exciting date or outdoor picnic. Taurus - homemade dinner and thoughtful present. Cancer - cook special meal or comfortable movie night. Leo - glitzy date night or surprise serenade.

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As mentioned, Valentine's Day is during Aquarius season, and although Aquarians can have a rep for being emotionally detached, they are fixed signs, meaning that they excel when they are in solid relationships of all kinds.

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Leo is a grand, gilded mammal; oxygenated by challenge, intrigued by anyone that isn't immediately obsessed with them, and shameless in their pursuit, Leos are more inclined than any other sign to make moves, stay the course, suffer, beg and/or break the law in the name, neigh roar, of love.

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Aquarius' most compatible soulmates include fellow air signs Gemini and Libra. Both signs match Aquarius' open-mindedness and intellectual nature. Fire signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are also extremely compatible with Aquarius. Their bold, adventurous nature is sure to capture Aquarius' heart.

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Aquarius (astrology)
Duration (tropical, western)January 20 – February 19 (2024, UT1)
Zodiac elementAir
Zodiac qualityFixed
8 more rows

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1: Pisces. People who fall under the zodiac sign, Pisces, are born romantics. They can use their emotions and find out the needs and wants of their partner. They are extremely understanding, empathetic, and supportive in their relationships.

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1. Taurus: Romancing with Reliability (Luck in love: 95%) Guided by Venus, the planet of love, Taureans stand out as fortunate contenders in the realm of love.

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Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn value true love as transformative. Whether through horoscopes or relationships, these signs seek profound connections and lasting partnerships for a fulfilling life. MSID 110038043 and MSID 110170180 emphasize loyalty and optimal zodiac matches.

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Some people are really serious about finding love. They want to have a strong and lasting relationship. Capricorn , Virgo , and Scorpio value responsibility, attention to detail, and deep connections. Taurus seeks stability, Cancer values emotional support, Libra prioritizes harmony.

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Cancer, a water sign, is one of the least compatible signs with Aquarius.

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Aquarius Zodiac Enemies

Pisces and Sagittarius are considered to be enemies of Aquarius because Pisces look for straight answers which Aquarius often refuses to provide. And, Sagittarius are like free birds and do not give much attention to Aquarius which frustrates them in turn.

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Aquarius' most compatible signs are fellow Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.

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If Valentine's Day has a mascot, it's the winged, bow and arrow–wielding baby known as Cupid. Next to the heart, he's the most common symbol of the holiday. His path from powerful Greek God to lovable cherub was not always an obvious one, though.

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CapricornusDecember 22 - January 20January 19 - February 15 (28 days)
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 19February 16 - March 11 (24 days)
PiscesFebruary 20 - March 20March 12 - April 18 (38 days)
10 more rows

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Leo. Leo is big on grand gestures of love – so what better way to show your appreciation than by surprising them? As a creative with a flair for the dramatic, Leo typically loves being surprised, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

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In astrology, Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about January 20 to about February 18.


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