Level creator! - Roblox Forum Archive (2024)


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#22690440Friday, March 19, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

Make levels from diffrent games and even your own! They might be accepted into my thread "rp the video game"Level sheetName:Who you play as:Starting weapons:Cutscenes:Allies:Enemys:Vehicles:Appearance:Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people):Weapons:

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#22706904Friday, March 19, 2010 3:03 PM GMT

Name: Another day in BloxvilleWho you play as: You (You choose your name.)Starting weapons: Stick (Well, it's just level 1.)Cutscenes: Beginning: You: Ahh... *Gets out of bed* Heh.. A good, old, day.. Yah... ???: *Behind you* hehehe... Middle/Boss: ???: HAI!!!! *Jumps at you*You: Daaah! Who are you?! *Kicks ???*???: NO TIME FOR THAT NOW! *Fight begins*DEFEATED BOSS: ???: Gaahh... *Drops big stick onto floor next to himself* gr..???: it is not over.. yeh...yet.. *Slowly walks away spinning around slowly*Allies: N/A (Allies are to be found later)Enemys: Shadow soldier, and the boss, ???.Vehicles: N/AAppearance: A calm, peaceful, village..Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): ???Weapons: Big stick (Dropped by ???)Name: The evacuationWho you play as: Your friendStarting weapons: KnifeCutscenes: *The village is being destroyed by ???* Mayor: I declare an official EVACUATION!!!!! Your friend: *Tries to get into airplane, but must fight enemies*Middle: Your friend: *In airplane*Mayor: Ok, it seems everyone's in..Mayor: WE CAN LAUNCH, PILOT!Your friend: *Looks out of window and sees you, lying on the streets* Wait, no!*Launched*Your friend: NO! [Insert your name here]!!!!!*CRASHING NOISES**Enemies are coming from the roof*Your friend: Aah!(Fighting enemies time)2nd Middle: Your friend: Gyah.. That's all of them..*You see ??? flying an airplane with weapons**You fly the airplane as Your Friend*BOSS FIGHTAllies: N/AEnemys: Shadow soldier, Shadow soldier 2Vehicles: Well, you're in an airplane the whole time, and at the boss fight, you control the airplane.Appearance: Just a normal airplane.Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): Boss: ???Weapons: Only your starting

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#22706989Friday, March 19, 2010 3:07 PM GMT

Name: un-named worldWho you play as: leonStarting weapons: a katanaCutscenes: there are 2 earth each is the oppisite as the othere if one collaps the other prosper but they just found out about each othere...and all hell brokeAllies:The White Star( T.W.S)Enemys: The Black Star(T.B.S),space piratsVehicles: mini pod,space shipsAppearance: a entire black suit with white starsCharacters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): Earth 3Weapons: many lasor gun,sword,axes,ect

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#22707271Friday, March 19, 2010 3:20 PM GMT

Name: The journeyWho you play as: Your selfStarting weapons: RockCutscenes: You wake up and walk out of bed when you fall into this hole taking you to a whole nother world where you must find your way outAllies: APple sauce peopleEnemys: Moldy suace peopleVehicles: C4 bombardment carAppearance: Brown hair,T-shirt,Skinny jeans,...EtcCharacters(Like a special person that watches you or other people):N/AWeapons: Axe,Snowball canon.....Dual vulcans that shoot out moldy sauce people's weakeness

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#22707643Friday, March 19, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

Name: Lost in the treesWho you play as: YouStarting weapons: Sword of the windsCutscenes: Beginning: you: egh.. *Gets up* ..nowhere to go... nothing to do.. it's.. all over.. *Picks up note* huh?Note: tasks list.. [] destroy [your friend's name here] [COMPLETE] ruin [your name here]'s life [] destroy [your name here] no.. I have to stop ??? before he destroys my friend.. *Grabs sword of the winds* Where are you, ???...Middle: You: ???.. i see him.. gr.. *Grabs onto ??? and pulls him back* *Grabs sword of the winds* *???'s mask falls off*You: *On ???, holding sword prepared to stab him*You: ....Little brother..(You are 59 old. ??? is 50 old. your past wasn't so good, hmm?)???: *Grabs you and throws you at the wreckage of a house* yes.. and it is time to kill you.You: gah..???: *Slams you in the face with a giant stick*You: *eyes close*???: ... ...???: i..???: I guess.. it's.. over... there's nowhere to go..you: *Eyes open* pretty.. much.......you: how i feel.. *Gets up and grabs giant stick*BOSS FIGHTEnd: ???: gahh.. *Falls to floor*You: hhr.. hhr... this cannot be how it ends.. no..NEXT LEVELAllies: n/aEnemys: Vehicles: Appearance: Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): Weapons:

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#22712385Friday, March 19, 2010 6:05 PM GMT

Making one soon

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Join Date: 2007-08-29
Post Count: 4240

#22714071Friday, March 19, 2010 6:57 PM GMT

Name: Inferno Man's Stage (Scorched Factory)Who you play as: Mrmac (YES ME)Starting weapons: B. Lolwutcake (Blaster Lolwutcake (My equivalent of a Mega Buster seeing as i am minus an armcannon) And any other boss weapons you gotCutscenes: This is a Megaman spinoff. I.E: NONE WHATSOEVER Allies: Powerups, Lolwutcarrier (Rush replacement)Enemies: Lava Jets in the floor and ceiling, Meh,Tools (Metool parody), Oil Platforms and Flame Flies (They set fire to the platforms, making them impossible to jump on (1 Chance 1-Ups, anyone?), Flamethrower Joes (Sniper Joe with a FREAKING FLAMETHROWER) Vehicles: N/AAppearance: A Factory that is fully functional. Even though HALF THE THING'S ON FIRE.Characters:N/AWeapons: Inferno Flame (Sets enemies on fire, making them catch onto other enemies on contact)

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Join Date: 2007-08-29
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#22714107Friday, March 19, 2010 6:58 PM GMT

For descriptions of the Robot Masters, go to mah thread Create Your Own Bosses 2 (loladvertising)

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#22774679Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:58 PM GMT

Name: Nuclear Man's Stage (Power Plant)Who you play as: MrmacStarting weapons: B. LolwutcakeCutscenes: N/AAllies: Powerups, LolwutcarrierEnemies: Smoky Rooms (Obscures most vision), Nuclear Joes (Throws bombs which make a gas cloud, doing steady damage if you're in them) Meh,Tools, Bouncer (One of those big hopping things that appear in the MM series)Vehicles: N/AAppearance: A very smoky nuclear powerplant.Characters:N/AWeapons: Nuclear Blast (A bomb which does damage over time to enemies when hit. Can also destroy special walls.)

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#22829916Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:40 PM GMT

Name: True friends never let eachother downWho you play as: Your friend (Airplane)/Your friend (Vs. Pilot)Starting weapons: Machine gun (On the airplane)Cutscenes: Beginning: no...Pilot: 12 hours away..Your friend: No.. This is not how it will end! I have to take control!Pilot: HEY!! WHAT?! Your friend: *Starts controlling it* There's still someone there.. We have to help!Pilot: What are you talking about?!Middle: Your friend: All aboard..!You: *Gets in*Pilot: Yaagh! *Grabs crowbar* NOBODY STEALS MY CONTROL!!!!Your friend: *Pushes you aside* *Fight*End: Pilot: Yaagh.. *Falls* gr.. *Gets up slowly*Your friend: *Picks up crowbar* *Smashes pilot*Your friend: Now let's go.. TO BLOXLAAAAAND!!! *Takes control*Allies: YouEnemys: Dark military plane,Dark battle plane, PilotVehicles: Airplane..?Appearance: Uh.. airplane.Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): Pilot (boss) You (Rescued)Weapons: Get a crowbar at the end

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Join Date: 2007-08-29
Post Count: 4240

#22830712Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:55 PM GMT

Name: Bullet Man's Stage (Millitary Bunker)Who you play as: MrmacStarting weapons: By now i think you knowCutscenes: N/AAllies: See starting weaponsEnemies: Turrets (Self explanatory), Sniper Joe (Obviously), Machine Gun Joe (Never stops firing), Bullet Meh,Tools (Fire very fast bullets)Vehicles: Special Segment in which you're on a millitary truck, but you're not actually driving itAppearance: A bunker on a war-torn battlefieldCharacters:N/A Weapons: Rapid Bullet (Continuous fire, pretty much a blaster upgrade)

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Join Date: 2008-02-27
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#22881151Monday, March 22, 2010 1:28 PM GMT

Name: Oh, Brother.Who you play as: YouStarting weapons: Crowbar, Sword, CatapultCutscenes: Beginning: Your friend: Docking at Bloxland, docking at bloxland!*.....*Your friend: Yes.. we're there! *Walks out door and suddenly falls down on the floor*You: what happened.. huh.. *Sees brother run by* *sees electricity on your friend*You: *Grabs crowbar* gr...*Brother runs by, you smash him with crowbar*Brother: Aiigh.. gr... *Flies into the air, turns purple, and armored. A blue crystal is inside.*Brother: power.. haha.. HAHAHAHA!!!You: Gr..(boss fight. CATAPULT FOUND! (Infinite ammo)Middle: Brother: Argh...... aggh.. (Half health!)Brother: I'll get you...End: You: *Loads ammo with sword* *Fires* *It hits the blue crystal inside*Brother: AAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!*Brother falls onto the ground*Allies: N/AEnemies: Boss enemy (Brother)Vehicles: None unless the catapult is one.Appearance: A beautiful grassy village with colorful buildings and a yellow sky.Characters: If you call the boss a character, brother. And.. Your friend.Weapons: You don't get any weapons on the last level.

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#22881331Monday, March 22, 2010 1:43 PM GMT

Name: The Sword Of MightyWho you play as: XenoStarting weapons: Wooden SwordCutscenes: Beginning: Xeno: If I found these sword, I could use it for good, and slay all the dragons!Ending(IFLOSE): The Soldier Mighty: Noone shall prove he is mightier than the sword, *grabs the sword* Ending(IFWIN): The Soldier Mighty: You have proved your self. . . You are worthy. . . . *Flies to the heavens*Allies: Arno, Ellena, Ragon (Riddle Dragon)Enemys: Spiders, rats, snakes, etc., the almighty dark knight, The Soldier Mighty.Vehicles: N/AAppearance: A red armor, brown boots, brown spikey hair, white skin, green eyes.Characters(Like a special person that watches you or other people): Sprog (Spy frog), Xeno, Arno, Ellena, Ragon, Xeno's mom, Xeno's dad, Crazy guy, The Almighty Dark Knight, The Soldier Mighty.Weapons: Black Sword, Wooden Sword, Pickle, The Elemental Sword, Rock Sword, Throwing knives, Throwing rocks, The Almighty Soldier's Sword, The Sword of Mighty, Plastic Sword.

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Join Date: 2007-08-29
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#22891406Monday, March 22, 2010 8:06 PM GMT

Name: Axe Man's Stage (Logging Industry)Who you play as: MrmacStarting weapons: You knowCutscenes: N/AAllies: You knowEnemys: Axeman Joe (Throws axes at you), Meh,Tools, Logs falling down hills, Leaviles (Razor leaves which fall from the sky in groups)Vehicles: Rolling log in one segmentAppearance: A logging industry in the middle of a forest.Characters:N/AWeapons: Razor Axe (Throws an axe. Good for reaching enemies above you.)

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#22929049Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:16 PM GMT

Name: Smash Man's Stage (Mountain Base)Who you play as: MrmacStarting weapons: You knowCutscenes: N/AAllies: You knowEnemies:Falling Rocks, Meh,Tools, Sniper Joe, Tough Guys (Throw rocks at you which split into 4 smaller rocks), Miniboss: Tougher Guy (A very big Tough Guy that throws larger rocks that split into 6 pieces. Jumps across to the other side of the room if you get too close to him)Vehicles: N/AAppearance: A base inside a generic mountain.)Characters:N/AWeapons: Smash Fist (Very short range but MASSIVE damage)

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#37653586Friday, November 26, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

Name:letter smasher (LEVEL 6)Who you play as:randyStarting weapons:swordCutscene:randy:-was in letter world- wow what is this place? evil letter:ATTACKAllies:nothingEnemies:evil letters,noob letters,spam letter(BOSS)Vechicles:N/AAppearance:letter world has pathway to the spam letter and has alot of enemiesCharacters:N/AWeapons:smasher sword

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Level creator! - Roblox Forum Archive (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.