Sandslash (OU) [QC 2/2] [GP 0/2] (2024)

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Sandslash is often overlooked in RBY OU, but it realizes a dangerous niche with its unique combination of typing, movepool, and Speed tier. After a Swords Dance, Sandslash threatens a 2HKO on can 2HKO every Pokemon in the tier, and at base 65 Speed, it is just fast enough to outpace many crucial threats, including Rhydon, Chansey, and Exeggutor. Sandslash is unique among Ground-types in that it uses its entry points to sweep as opposed to pivoting. Offensively, its lower Attack stat is somewhat compensated by its vastly superior Speed tier and access to Swords Dance, while defensively its lack of a secondary typing allows it to beat Rhydon and Golem one-on-one by virtue of an Earthquake As a Ground-type, it is frailer than Rhydon and Golem, less powerful to start, and doesn't resist Normal, making it a poor pivot. However, it can sweep, is faster, and beats the two one-on-one by virtue of its Ground (I imagine this makes sense? "poor" esp. can be changed) neutrality. As a Swords Dance user, the ability to beat its winning matchup against Rhydon, Electric-type immunity, and consistent STAB Earthquake make up for its lower offensive stats. In particular, the its Thunder Wave immunity provides both a consistent entry point for sweeping as well as and a partial safeguard against sweep-ending (added hyphen) paralysis, a weakness which that plagues all other viable Swords Dances users including Kabutops, Pinsir, and Kingler. Its biggest shortcoming lies in its defensive profile, as the lack of a Normal resistance and susceptibility to Body Slam paralysis make it a subpar choice as a pure physical tank, unlike Rhydon and Golem. A mediocre Speed stat coupled with low Special and a plethora of weaknesses leaves it helpless against a number of opponents, most notably the excellent Starmie, who can in turn harry it in all stages of a battle. Additionally, its Attack stat, while respectable, is the lowest of the viable Swords Dancers, and as such it misses out on the crucial OHKO on Chansey from full. Even its lack of a resistance to the Normal- and Flying-types is a significant hindrance, leaving it a shaky check to Zapdos and more vulnerable to niche physical attackers. Ultimately, a lack of pure defensive utility prevents Sandslash from being more effective in the tier, but Dance users. Overall, though, Sandslash is frequently defined by its shortcomings. No Normal or Flying resistance means it can't be a primary physical tank or a firm Zapdos answer, unlike Rhydon and Golem. It has low Speed, low Special, a plethora of weaknesses, and merely respectable power before setup, which leaves it easily forced out and picked off. Most notably, the excellent Starmie can harry it in all stages of a battle. Unlike all other viable Swords Dance users, it misses the crucial OHKO on Chansey after a boost. Still, (i think the previous block was a little overkill for this rather niche mon and didn't clearly conceptualize why it is rather niche. i hope this helps, but of course you and qc can change if appropriate) with paralysis support and against slower teams it teams, Sandslash can be a very potent offensive weapon while functioning as an emergency check to the dangerous Ground- and Electric-types of the tier. checking Rhydon, Zapdos, Jolteon, and Golem in emergencies. (like, I assume these are your targets? this change is optional though, if i'm missing relevant stuff you can ignore it)

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Body Slam / Rock Slide / Substitute / Submission
move 4: Hyper Beam

Set Description
Swords Dance is obligatory, as it boosts Sandslash’s solid Attack to dangerous levels and compensates for its lower initial damage output. Earthquake is another must have, providing obligatory for Sandslash's niche. STAB Earthquake provides great neutral coverage and heavily chunking chunks the majority of the metagame thanks to its meaty Attack stat and STAB boost. After these two essentials, Sandslash has quite a few options to consider. With Body Slam and Hyper Beam, Sandslash has after a boost. If running Body Slam, Sandslash can use Body Slam into Hyper Beam for (I assume "after a boost"?) the best odds to 2HKO Exeggutor at +2—one of its most valuable advantages over Rhydon and Golem – while still maintaining a 2HKO on Zapdos. Body Slam also allows Sandslash to fish for paralysis on its common switch-ins, which can help it or Tauros sweep late-game. (added hyphen) Alternatively, Rock Slide can slot in over Body Slam, but it’s important to note that neutral STAB Earthquake, non-STAB Hyper Beam, and Super Effective non-STAB Rock Slide all do roughly the same amount of damage, meaning Rock Slide only out-damages Earthquake against Bug- and Flying-types. cover Flying-types and the rare Pinsir, but it's no stronger than Earthquake against Pokemon like Cloyster, Lapras, and Exeggutor. Further, Body Slam into Hyper Beam still 2HKOes Zapdos at +2. (I assume this checks out? change if needed) Despite its poor accuracy, Submission allows Sandslash to secure an OHKO on Tauros at +4, (AC) as well as occasionally OHKOing Chansey at +2 and Snorlax at +4, making it a valuable option to consider, as +4. Tauros often spells the end of Sandslash sweep. Additionally, sweep, so Submission is a valuable option to consider. Substitute can be used over a coverage move, as it can afford Sandslash a free turn against a paralyzed foe, though it can be difficult to set up and does not block status moves other than Toxic. (players should already be aware of this mechanic. if theres a specific paralysis target that can sleep sandslash as it sets up sub, or something specific like that, feel free to include) Substitute further amplifies Sandslash's unique ability among Swords Dance users to defeat Zapdos, as Drill Peck only breaks the Sub ~30% it around 30% of the time, allowing Sandslash to safely set up in some circ*mstances which may let Sandslash set up safely and effectively sweep after winning the one-on-one.

Sandslash can effectively counter check most Rock- and Electric-types, but—with the exception of Jolteon—doing so will usually prevent it from sweeping late-game. (added hyphen) It is therefore necessary to Therefore, you must determine whether a trade or the potential for a sweep is more valuable. Its offensive nature makes it averse to taking damage, so it To stay healthy to sweep, Sandslash (as long as this makes sense) is best brought in on Thunder Wave, partial-trapping (I imagine? please clarify if not) pivots, or double switches (removed hyphen) as opposed to directly into attacks. Sandslash It greatly benefits from being hidden until late-game when it is in a position to sweep. If Sandslash is forced onto the field before a sweep is likely, it is generally advisable to should generally lead with Body Slam to chip and potentially paralyze its checks, as using Swords Dance is rarely useful before the opponent's team has been fully scouted. When saved until the late-game, Sandslash can greatly benefit from an opportunity to boost to +4 , which allows it's +4, which allows Earthquake to secure OHKOs on Chansey and Starmie and OHKO Tauros a majority of the time. Additionally, +4 Hyper Beam OHKO's Zapdos ~60% OHKOes Zapdos about 60% of the time and Exeggutor ~40% about 40% of the time, limiting their ability to impede a Sandslash sweep. Be aware that this strategy can be unreliable, as critical hits ignore stat boosts, and add an additional 12.7% chance for these OHKO's to fall short in addition to Hyper Beam accuracy. calculations for +4 Hyper Beam assume it hits and doesn't critically hit, a combined 78.09% chance, so it's riskier in practice. (.8945*(1-.127) I assume?)

Sandslash is at its most dangerous with paralysis support, and it has good synergy with many paralysis spreaders, including Zapdos, Starmie, Snorlax, (AC) and Chansey. The offensive prowess of Zapdos and Starmie in particular often forces paralysis on the opponent's team, either neutralizing foes like Jynx, Alakazam, and opposing Starmie or providing setup opportunities against slower opponents foes like Chansey, Snorlax, (AC) and Exeggutor. which is the ideal entry point for Sandslash. Sandslash will then greatly enjoy coming in on these foes. (if this isn't what you meant, please clarify) In return, Sandslash can set up on and threaten the slow Special tanks that limit them offensively, (AC) while also as well as effectively checking the Rock- and Electric- types that threaten them if a Sandslash sweep seems infeasible. Its reduced physical tanking capabilities and weakness to Ice-type moves versus Rhydon and Golem, as well as its Ice weakness, make Cloyster an ideal defensive partner, while and Sandslash feasts on the Thunderbolts Cloyster draws in. Additionally, Sandslash shares many switch-ins with Tauros, including Cloyster, Exeggutor, Slowbro, Snorlax, (AC) and Starmie, so Sandslash it often clears the way for a Tauros endgame even if it cannot sweep. Lastly, Sandslash is prone to being crippled by Body Slam paralysis, so Reflect Snorlax can also be an effective partner to ease some of the physical tanking responsibility despite effective to block that paralysis and generally help with physical tanking, despite its lower immediate physical bulk. In return, Sandslash threatens an immediate OHKO on Gengar (RC) and heavily pressures the Rhydon and Golem that Golem, which can give mono-Normal Snorlax issues. Snorlax is also invaluable in its ability to lure, pressure, and paralyze for drawing in, pressuring, and paralyzing (i did "draw in" bc i didn't see what was unusual about a given snorlax set to "lure" cloy in) Cloyster throughout the course of a match, which is essential to the success of Sandslash.

Other Options

Sandslash has other moves that seem appealing, but all of the legitimate options have already been discussed. Rest could theoretically help it defensively, but it's too slow and burdened by weaknesses. A traditional physical tank set would be outclassed by Rhydon, Kabutops, or even Snorlax. Slash is a good move, but Kabutops uses it better, and it has poor synergy with Swords Dance. Seismic Toss is simply too weak to use, even before setting up. Toxic discourages partial-trapping and forces out Reflect users, but it's too fringe and has many better users. Sand Attack can fish for safe turns to survive attacks or set up, but it's an overly inconsistent gimmick for spending a moveslot.

(in general, ten lines for moves you immediately describe as "not legitimate options" is probably too much. change things if needed. If a less hostile framing, and thus more information about the moves, is desired by qc, we can talk about it.)

Checks and Counters

**Ice-types**: The prevalence of Blizzard means that All OU Ice-types (added hyphen) can easily OHKO Sandslash. Cloyster is particularly threatening, as it outspeeds and utilizes its massive physical bulk to turn Sandslash into Sandslash and tanks its hits for easy momentum, though with accuracy factored in, Blizzard only has ~ about a 60% chance to OHKO from full health. Further, Cloyster can get overburdened as a check to many threats, and lure options like Thunderbolt Tauros and Self-Destruct Snorlax can remove it. Lapras has less physical bulk and is outsped, making it vulnerable if worn down, but it can comfortably survive a +2 hit and guarantee an always OHKO with Blizzard. Articuno and Jynx fold to boosted Rock Slide and Earthquake, (AC) respectively, but outspeed, allowing them to safely revenge kill Sandslash no matter how many Swords Dances it has, provided they aren't statused. While Lapras can simply be worn down into +2 Earthquake range, Cloyster is a much greater threat that may require specific counter measures to effectively clear the way for a Sandslash sweep. Thankfully, Cloyster is used as a check to many threats, and can be effectively lured by teammates including Thunderbolt Tauros and Self-Destruct Snorlax. they outspeed and safely revenge kill Sandslash.

**Starmie**: Although it requires the rare Hydro Pump to OHKO Sandlash without a critical hit, Starmie is nonetheless the most common impediment to a Sandslash sweep. Great Speed, high Special, and a resistance to being worn down Recover (I imagine? pls clarify if i'm missing smth) all help Starmie check Sandslash consistently. It can have some difficulty switching in, (AC) though, as it detests being paralyzed by Body Slam (RC) and takes a solid chunk from Earthquake. Starmie also takes upwards of 74% from a boosted +2 Earthquake, meaning Sandslash can often power through if Starmie is worn down and/or paralyzed.

**Tauros**: While Starmie tends to force Sandslash out early and mid-game, Tauros tends to stop Sandslash dead in its tracks late-game (added hyphen) by 2HKOing with Blizzard. Being revenge killed by Tauros is one of the biggest factors holding Sandslash back, but considering a +2 Earthquake takes >60% from the bull, it often allows your own Tauros to Blizzard, serving as one of its biggest obstacles. However, it takes more than 60% from a +2 Earthquake, which can let the opposing Tauros easily win the vital mirror matchup. Oddball sets lacking Blizzard have a more difficult time, as Sandslash can sometimes survive two Body Slams into Hyper Beam. If Sandslash has the opportunity to can boost to +4 Attack, it has good odds to OHKO Tauros with Earthquake or Submission provided it is able to retaliate, a feat that can often be game-deciding.

**Grass-types**: Although its improved matchup against Exeggutor is a major advantage of Sandslash over other Ground-types, overall it is far from guaranteed to beat the Egg one-on-one thanks to Hyper Beam accuracy, Status, and possible Mega Drain recovery. Even in the best-case scenario, Sandslash eliminating a fully healthy Exeggutor will often cripple its ability to sweep by knocking it into range of Tauros's Blizzard or Hyper Beam, not to mention the possibility of Stun Spore. Instead, the Sandslash user is best off wearing down Exeggutor over the course of the match and only fully committing once Exeggutor is in +2 Hyper Beam range or crippled with status. win one-on-one. Hyper Beam misses, full paralysis from Stun Spore, and Mega Drain recover can potentially let Exeggutor win. Even when Sandslash KOes Exeggutor, it often ends up paralyzed by Stun Spore or in Tauros's Blizzard or Hyper Beam KO range. Exeggutor can, however, end up worn down throughout a match, letting Sandslash get past it more safely. (I imagine the "more safely" mkes sense?) In a pinch, +2 Body Slam into Hyper Beam will KO Exeggutor 84% of the time assuming both moves connect, while Rock Slide or Earthquake or Rock Slide instead of Body Slam drops the odds to ~45% without the possibility of paralysis. If Exeggutor manages to switch into an unboosted Sandslash without taking heavy damage, the matchup shifts dramatically in Exeggutor's favor. Explosion and Mega Drain can also allow the Exeggutor to force a direct trade. The dynamic with the other Grass-types of the tier is not nearly as complex: Sandslash is completely vulnerable to the Razor Leaf users, Beyond Exeggutor, Sandslash is completely vulnerable to Victreebel and Venusaur, being outsped and usually OHKO’d OHKOed while failing to OHKO either Victreebel or Venusaur at +2, though neither enjoys switching in considering their neutrality to Earthquake and dislike of paralysis.

**Fast Special Attackers**: Alakazam can easily revenge kill weakened Sandslash, halting a sweep. Its prevalance in the lead matchup means it is often paralyzed, though, allowing Sandslash to eliminate OHKO it risk free when set up. Jynx can be considered in this category as well, as it is rarely seen outside the lead matchup and as a result is similarly often paralyzed or asleep. While both of these pokemon can revenge kill Sandslash, both are always OHKO'd by +2 Earthquake or Hyper Beam, so they do not pose a threat if they cannot move first, and can even be used as risky setup opportunities late-game if they are paralyzed, especially in conjunction with Substitute. has a similar dynamic. Sandslash can try to set up on them late-game if they are paralyzed, especially with Substitute, but this is risky.

**Flying-types**: Sandslash is a shaky counter to Zapdos for a number of reasons. First and foremost, Zapdos has great physical bulk and an immunity to Earthquake that allows it to avoid a 2HKO from neutral Sandslash. Additionally, Sandslash's subpar defensive typing leaves it without a resistance to Zapdos. It can't 2HKO Zapdos unboosted, unless it runs Rock Slide, (I assume you meant this by "avoid a 2HKO from neutral"? if not, remove or clarify. if you did mean this, it may be worth mentioning in set details too? up to you) and doesn't resist Drill Peck, making it significantly more vulnerable switching in as well as and after setting up. The match-up gets even worse with the other legendary birds, Other Flying-types have better matchups still, as Moltres threatens a burn and 2HKO with Fire Blast, while Articuno OHKO's OHKOes Sandslash with just Ice Beam. Additionally, the matchup with Dragonite is probably Sandslash's weakest overall as it has low odds to 2HKO at +2 without the inferior Rock Slide while being Dragonite performs the best, rarely OHKOed at +2 without the inferior Rock Slide, and Sandslash is susceptible to Wrap and easily 2HKO’d 2HKOed by Surf or Blizzard. Even niche Flying-types such as Dodrio and Gyarados can give Sandslash quite a bit of trouble. Rock Slide can substantially improve Sandslash's ability to threaten these Pokemon, especially Moltres and Articuno, but this leaves it with a significantly reduced ability to beat Exeggutor, as well as an inability to paralyze its checks as they switch in. it is not standard.

**Paralysis**: An immunity to the ubiquitous Thunder Wave is a blessing that helps elevate Sandslash into a legitimate niche, but it is still vulnerable to Body Slam paralysis as well as Sandslash is immune to Thunder Wave but still vulnerable to Body Slam paralysis and Exeggutor's Stun Spore, both of which cripple its effectiveness. Swords Dance can somewhat compensate for this if the opponent foe is also paralyzed, as boosting a stat will reapply drops to the opponent, using it will reapply their Speed drop, rendering them slower. That being said, losing its already-middling Speed tier is a death sentence with such a Sandslash's vulnerability to special attacks, especially considering the prevalence of Ice Beam and Blizzard on slow Pokemon like Chansey, Lapras, and even Snorlax. Even independent of the speed drop, having turns interrupted by Paralysis is Speed drop, any full paralysis turns are particularly devastating for a sweeper, preventing it from setting up or attacking when offense is often its best defense.

- Written by: [[Gen1UUFan, 477337]]
- Quality checked by: [[Amaranth, 265630], [Plague von Karma, 236353], [FriendOfMrGolem120, 424525], [Zokuru, 263906]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [, ]]

Sandslash (OU) [QC 2/2] [GP 0/2] (2024)


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