The best Minecraft builds 2024 (2024)

After a while of stacking blocks, you can run out of ideas for what to do. Therefore, we decided to make a list of the best Minecraft builds we’ve seen, so you can peruse them and maybe have a go at building King’s Landing yourself or recreating Stardew Valley’s locale. The possibilities are truly endless in this blocky world, so get out there, and get building.

Now, these are some hefty building projects – we also have some smaller-scale recommendations for beginner builders in our Minecraft houses guide. If your mining isn’t going to plan, here’s where you can find Minecraft diamonds, how to make Minecraft maps, and everything you need to know about Minecraft end portals.

Read on to see some ofour picks ofthe best Minecraft buildsthat creative players have concocted.

  • Breath of the Wild
  • The universe
  • Stardew Valley
  • Night City
  • Johto
  • King's Landing
  • Uncensored Library
  • Minas Tirith

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (1)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild stable Minecraft build

Yeah, that’s right, Minecraft creator Grazzy has set out on a mission to recreate the entirety of Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule in Minecraft. While other creators have attempted something similar, they’ve always been smaller approximations.

This build is the real deal, and Grazzy has been working painstakingly for months. It’s an astonishing project, so go follow Grazzy for more updates.

The entire solar system Minecraft build

No, we’re not kidding – YouTuber ChrisDaCow built a scaled replica of the entire solar system in Minecraft and documented his progress along the way. The astonishing build includes the sun, superclusters, and all manner of nebulas for you to feast your eyes on.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (3)

Stardew Valley’s Pelican Town Minecraft build

Stardew Valley is anotherhuge game on many platforms, with a pixel style that could be argued as blocky. You can’t freely build in it, so one dedicated farmer decided to replicate the entirety of Pelican Town in Minecraft. If you want to take in the sights from every angle, definitely check this one out.

It’s got everything – the blacksmiths and the library, Pierre’s store that’s open all the time(even on Wednesdays!), and plenty of grassy decor to bring Pelican Town to 3D life.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (4)

Cyberpunk Night City Minecraft build

While Cyberpunk 2077 may not have been the roaring success many had hoped for, its location Night City is still a gorgeous place to explore. Luckily, there’s another great way to experience this luminous location as creator Elysium Fire has managed to rebuild the entirety of Night City in Minecraft!

It’s a gorgeous, colorful build that is truly impressive. If you head to their YouTube channel, there’s even a download link so you can explore itat your leisure.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (5)

Johto Pokémon Minecraft build

We all know Pokémon Gold & Silver are the best Pokémon games, and in particular, the region of Johto is unmatched.Creator AWillAndAWay clearly agrees with thisas they’ve gone through the mammoth task of recreating the whole Johto region in Minecraft – and it looks glorious.

I’m not sure if they’ve actually installed Slowpokes down the well, but it looks fairly faithful to me. There’s also a download link now available, so you can explore it for yourself.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (6)

King’s Landing Game of Thrones Minecraft build

While some of these builds have been done by one creator, or are slightly less ambitious projects, this one is genuinely astonishing. If you’re a Game of Thrones fan (or were before the last season), you no doubt recognize the beautiful architecture of King’s Landing.

A crack team of over 100 Minecraft players called WesterosCraft spent hundreds of hours making what could be the most impressive Minecraft build we’ve ever set our eyes on. Every buildinghas mind-blowing detail, from the large to the small, and it has the best sense of scale I’ve ever seen in a Minecraft project.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (7)

The Uncensored LibraryMinecraft build

Reporters Without Borders present this, the Uncensored Library. It isn’t the size or detail that’s impressive here (though it does look nice) – it’s what it represents. Countries around the world restrict information from their citizens, sometimes burying important history around race, sex, or gender – all of which would only help those who wish to learn more.

The Uncensored Library is a priceless resourcein that it contains an enormous wealth of information, including books banned in many countries, and it’s all available to anyone who can fire up Minecraft. An incredible accomplishment, and possibly the most important Minecraft build we’ll ever see.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (8)

Minas Tirith Lord of the Rings Minecraft build

Created by lone Minecraft player Fishyyy, this impressive recreation of the location from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, is a majestic work of art. The gargantuan walls of the stronghold are all here, as well as detailed recreations of the houses, halls, and chambers buried deep within.

It’s a Lord of the Rings fan’s dream come true and might be worth another visit as wedo our yearly LOTR-a-thon rewatch. What? You know you do it too.

Alright, builders, that’s everything we have today. For more Minecraft madness,here’s all the Minecraft mobs you need to know about, some great Minecraft skins, and some fancy Minecraft lego to deck out your desk.

The best Minecraft builds 2024 (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.