Vegan Napoleon Dessert Recipe (2024)

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Easy vegan Napoleon dessert or custard puff pastry made with rich coconut and cashew milk, vanilla extract and thickened with cornstarch or tapioca. Dairy-free and naturally sweetened with maple syrup.

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Vegan Napoleon Dessert

I meant to post this dairy-free custard dessert last Christmas but it clearly didn’t make it to the blog on time, so now you have it ready for Valentine’s and Easter with plenty of Tim etc do a practice run ahead. Let’s do this!

“Mille Feuille” also known as a “Napoleon” a classic Neapolitan pastry dessert of ancient origins filled with a rich and thick vanilla custard orcrème pâtissière– pretty much a dessert sandwich!

Why is it called a Napoleon?

The dessert’s original name was a “napolitain or millefoglie” meaning a “thousand leaves” referring to the many flaky layers surrounding the custard. So a sweet treat in the style of Naples not France, yup that’s Napoli from Italy!

It is thanks to the French pastry chef Creme who made the dessert popular that France is taking credit for the Napoleons. Wowza for culinary history, right?!

How to Make Dairy Free Custard Cream Filling

  1. It’s as simple as whisking together some plant milk with cornstarch or tapioca and simmering until thick. Sweeten with maple syrup and infuse with some good vanilla extract for the best, most decadent plant-based custard.
  2. You can let it cool and enjoy it as a pudding topped with your favorite fruit or preserves, use it in a trifle, to fill a tart, a pie, a cake or to make some lovely Italian pastry desserts like yours truly.

Is Puff Pastry Vegan?

Believe it or not there is vegan puff pastry in the freezer section of your grocery store. Just make sure to check the ingredient list on the back of the box unless it is labeled as plant based or features the V symbol on the package already.

Can You Make Custard with Almond Milk?

Sure, you can replace all the plant mil in the recipe with almond, just know that the result won’t be quite as lusciously rich as it is with the higher fat content from coconut or cashew milk.

You’ll Love this Napoleon Dessert! It’s:


Super Easy to Make



Crisp & Creamy

Egg & Dairy Free

Sweet & Salty

Kind to the animals!

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Vegan Napoleon Dessert Recipe (8)

4.89 from 9 votes

Vegan Napoleon Dessert

Easy vegan custard puff pastry Napoleon made with rich coconut and cashew milk, vanilla extract and thickened up with tapioca. Dairy-free and naturally sweetened with maple syrup.

Print Recipe

Prep Time:5 minutes mins

Cook Time:20 minutes mins

Defrosting Puff Pastry:35 minutes mins

Total Time:25 minutes mins


  • 1 cup cashew milk
  • 1 cup coconut milk (full fat)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract (or the seeds from 1 vanilla bean)
  • 5 tbsp cornstarch (or 4 tbsp tapioca)
  • 1/8 - 1/4 tsp turmeric (optional for color)
  • 1 sheet vegan puff pastry (9x9)
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar for dusting

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  • Defrost the puff pastry according to the instructions on the box, usually 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

  • Preheat your oven to 400”F.

  • Roll out the pastry sheet on a parchment lined cookie sheet, pierce with a fork and cut it in half lengthwise.

  • Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool.

Make the Custard:

  • In a medium sauce pan over medium flame whisk together the cashew and coconut milk, maple syrup and tapioca or cornstarch. Bring to a simmer and continue whisking for a good 5 to 10 minutes on medium-low flame until the custard has thickened. Whisk in the vanilla extract or seeds and allow to cool off. (If you wish to give your custard a more yellowish tone make sure to whisk in the turmeric as well. Start with 1/8 tsp and up to 1/4 tsp so you don't overdo it. It won’t affect the flavor just the color).

Assemble the Napoleons:

  • Carefully separate the top and bottom part of the puff pastry, it should easily come apart. Place the bottom parts in a small baking dish lined with parchment paper.

  • Spread the vanilla custard on top and cover with the top layer of puff pastry.

  • Refrigerate for 3-4 hours until set. Use a serrated knife and cut into 10 rectangles or 8 squares to your liking. Dust with powder sugar and serve!


  • If using turmeric make sure to start with a tiny pinch 1/8 teaspoon and work your way up to 1/4 teaspoon. The more turmeric the more golden your custard will be.
  • Some people don't like the texture of tapioca, if you are those people please use cornstarch instead.


Calories: 316kcal | Carbohydrates: 36g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 17g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Sodium: 102mg | Potassium: 126mg | Sugar: 14g | Vitamin C: 0.2mg | Calcium: 30mg | Iron: 1.8mg

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: Italian

Keyword: Vegan Custard, vegan recipes

Servings: 8 people

Calories: 316kcal

Author: Florentina

Vegan Desserts:

Vegan Napoleon Dessert Recipe (2024)


What is the difference between French and Italian Napoleon pastry? ›

Mille-feuille is very similar to the Italian dessert, Napoleon. The main difference between the two desserts is that a Napoleon is layered with almond paste instead of cream. A traditional mille-feuille will consist of three layers of puff pastry alternated with two layers of pastry cream.

What is a Napoleon dessert made from? ›

A mille-feuille (French: [mil fœj]; lit. 'thousand-sheets'), also known by the names Napoleon in North America, vanilla slice in the United Kingdom, and custard slice, is a French dessert made of puff pastry layered with pastry cream. Its modern form was influenced by improvements made by Marie-Antoine Carême.

Is Napoleon cake Russian or French? ›

Napoleon pastry, also known as mille-feuille, is a classic French dessert that has been enjoyed for hundreds of years. Although its origins are somewhat disputed, its name is derived from Napoleon Bonaparte, who was said to have enjoyed the pastry during his reign as Emperor of France.

What is the difference between honey cake and Napoleon cake? ›

These are completely different cakes, the texture of the cakes is different, Napoleon is more saturated, therefore less visually, although it does not affect the taste in any way.

Why is French pastry so good? ›

The meticulous techniques, from the perfect lamination of dough to the precise tempering of chocolate, contribute to the unmatched quality. High-Quality Ingredients: Traditional French recipes emphasize quality ingredients like rich butter, fine flour, and fresh cream.

Was Napoleon's mother Italian? ›

A humble and devout Italian noblewoman, Maria Letizia Ramolino Bonaparte (1750–1836) was thrust into a life of wealth and title when her son, Napoleon Bonaparte, was crowned Emperor of the French in 1804.

What is the difference between a vanilla slice and a mille-feuille? ›

A vanilla slice is usually a very thick slab of custard sandwiched between two thin puff sheets. A mille feuille is more decorative, could have multiple custard (or diplomat cream) layers and looks very sophisticated. It is one of the simplest things you can make with a puff sheet, yet looks so elegant!

What is the story behind the Napoleon cake? ›

Originally named "mille-feuille", the Napoleon cake was supposedly brought to Russia by the French in the early 19th century. This cake commemorated the anniversary of the Russian victory against Napoléon Bonaparte in 1812.

What is Elvis Presley cake? ›

An Elvis Presley cake is a single-layer classic yellow cake that's topped with a pineapple glaze. Much like a poke cake, the syrup and juices of the pineapple will seep into the cake through fork holes, resulting in a decadent, ultra-moist cake.

What is a queen king cake? ›

This iconic Sulphur grocery store is known for its decadent king cakes. The Queen Cake (below) is similar to Chantilly cake with delectable mascarpone cream, strawberry filling, and is adorned with strawberries and blueberries resting in a bed of more mascarpone cream.

What is the difference between French and Italian pastries? ›

While French pastries are known for their complex and precise techniques, sweet or savoury Italian pastries often focus on simple yet high-quality ingredients that are combined using years of experience and family recipes.

What's the difference between French and Italian? ›

Italian pronunciation is more sharp and defined, and you use intonation and hand gestures for emphasis. French pronunciation is more fluid, and it features distinct nasal sounds and lots of vowel clusters. French is a little more straightforward when it comes to rules for plural forms, however.

What defines French pastry? ›

fine, rich, or fancy dessert pastry, especially made from puff paste and filled with cream or fruit preparations.

What's the difference between Italian and French cooking? ›

Italian cuisine often uses more olive oil and fresh vegetables, while French cuisine may include richer ingredients like butter and cream.


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